Chapter 5 FaxStatus Use FaxStatus to check the status of faxes being transmitted or being received. You can also start and stop the background program, and disconnect an ongoing call. You will typically not have to click any button on this dialog. You should use this dialog only to observe the progress of the faxes being sent or received. To use FaxStatus ⌥ Choose FaxStatus from the Apple menu. The FaxStatus dialog box appears.   ⌥ From here you can do the following: • Monitor the status of outgoing or incoming faxes • Click the Background button to start or stop the background program • If you picked up the phone for an incoming fax call by mistake or for initial conversation, you can click 'Manual Receive' to ask the ValueFax Background program to receive the fax. • Click the Disconnect Call button to stop an ongoing or incoming call. If you were sending a fax, it is automatically rescheduled.